About us

Who are we

We are a family of creative people who all believe in making the world every day a little bit more beautiful and happy by sharing our creativity through Balloon Art. By creating Balloon World Adventure we hope to share happiness and inspire the world around us to dream and use their creativity.

Guido Verhoef

Creative Art Director
The Art of Balloons

Nikolett Forray

Balloon distributor Budapest
Balloon World Hungary

Roy milo

Project manager

Exhibition creative concept developer
Hadran Events / ArtHub CEO

Dudri Berkovich

Exhibition Organizer
Hadran Events


Exhibition manager
Hadran Events

For more information about our international designers and balloon crew check the Wall of Fame.

For more information about our work feel free to contact us on info@balloonworldadventure.com.

Our partners

The mission of the foundation is to help and encourage healing in children (and indirectly their families) in hospitals or other difficult situation through making friends, learning new languages, playing and being creative, with the help of our Amigos (our university student volunteers). learn and grow friendships with them